Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pokemon Forest


  1. "Okay! Settle down!" Flow chirped in Pokemon language "Lets do this as a real battle, I will be Meeka's master and Bonnie will be Phantom's master!"

    "What! I don't have a master!" he growled showing her giant fangs.

    "This is how its going to be when you are caught, now listen! When I say to do a move, you do it! Same goes to you Phantom, just follow Bonnie"

    "And begin!" Swish chirpedm clacking her beak together.

    "Meeka use SuckerPunch!"

    She reared up and her paws turned huge, she swung at Phantom smacking him on the face.

    "Phantom! Hurry! Use Fire Fang!"

    He opened his mouth and his teeth turned into fire, he bit down onto Meeka's paw.

    "Meeka! Howl!"

    Meeka lifted her head and let out a mournful sounding howl but to Phantom it screeched in her ears.

    He gasped and rollowed around pawing at his ears. "Ow!"

    He chuckled "Thats it for today, Meeka and Swish please go hunting, I would like any kind of rat, maybe a Rattata if you get lucky!"

  2. Amber walks through the forest with her Riolu at her side. Suddenly she hears a noise in the forest, sounded like a battle but she could hear no humans, "Come on Riolu! Lets go see!" she said running over and hiding behind a bush, her eyes widen when she sees the pokemon battaling. She followed the battle, she spent most of her life learning the language of all the pokemon and only just recently finished her training.

    Riolu watches the battle with wide eyes, "Where are their trainers?" he asked

    Amber was about to snort before she rememberd Riolu had no expeirence with the outside world, all he knew was the lab in wich he was hatched in, "They have no trainers, they are wild pokemon" she replied gently.

  3. "Intruders! Hide!" she flopped hurriedly to her small burrow "Bonnie! Hurry!"

    He scurried after her then used Dig to go deeper into the ground.

    Only she remain will above ground, because Meeka and Phantom were hunting. "Its okay young one and old one" her eyes twinkled "They mean no harm I am sure of it. . .Don't sttay to close though" she cautioned when Swish slithered back out of her hole. "Why don't you go find Meeka and Phantom?"

    "Sure!" she bounced up and down then hurriedly slithered away.

  4. Amber sat down focusing on Flo because she seemed to be the least afraid, she called Riolu to her and looked back to Flo, "We mean you no harm, I am Amber and this is Riolu" she says in the language of pokemon.

    Riolu shrunk into Amber, afraid these pokemon might be allied to the people who cruley treated him.

    Amber cuddled Riolu, "Its ok, no one can hurt you"

  5. Her eyes widened as the girl spoke to her "I understand that, but why are you here?" she said firmly her nine tails flicking at the ground.

    She skidded to a halt "Intruder! How dare you set foot on our land! Get off!" she growled showing her large fangs and making her fur prickle.

    "Cool it Meeka!" he nudged Meeka away into the bushes giving a sorry face to the skiddish Riolu "Its fine small one, she is just. . .well she is just a regular Poochyena" he heartily gave another nudge to the flailing Meeka

    "Keep your paws off of me you dog!" she growled giving up and jogging away from the girl and the Riolu.

    "I am sorry about that, Meeka is well what Phantom said, a regular Poochyena. Though I. . ." she trailed off "Nevermind"

  6. Amber nodds and smiles, "It's ok, I am sorry for intruding, I am traveling hoping to meet some new friends and help my pokemon get stronger, allow me to make it up to you all, the place where I was taught to speak pokemon also taught me how to cook for every type. Would you all like some?" she took out some cooking ingrediants.

    Riolu gave a little frightend yell at Meeka and snuggled as close as he could to Amber and eyed everyone mistrustfully.

    Amber looked down at Riolu kindly,"See it's ok, Meeka" she looked up to Flow to confirm she got the name right,"Meeka was just being a normal Poohyena, just like Flo said"

  7. Flo nodded "She's extremely bad-tempered but we love her" she nodded around her small family. "Its up to them if they would like some, bu I would like some"

    Bonnie bobbed his head up and down quickly "Yes please! Meeka might be a good hunter but I like that stuff you give your pokemon too!" he smacked his lips and smiled. "Ill be right back though" and jumped up and disappointed into the bushes.

    Moments later Phantom appeared "Bonnie settled Meeka down" he looked at the small Riolu "I know you! Well at least I know someone like you, the one I knew was trapped in some lab, the pokemon their told me that, that a Riolu escaped recently, would that be you my little friend?" he took a step forward and bent to down look at the shivering creature.

    Swish rolled her eyes "How would you know?"

  8. Riolu nodded uncirtainly, "Theyre coming for me, They already tried once..." he whisperd.

    Amber hugged hi tightly one more time before she gently got up and started to praparethe food for all the pokemon,"They won't get you while I am here" she said feircly,"We might as well bring out everyone else to say hi" she said grabbing her other three pokeballs and throwing them into the air, "Come on out! Say hello!" she cried as there was three flashes of light and there stood a Chimchar, Buizel and Hoothoot.

    Buizel nodded, "I once belonged to them..." He shivers,"Arbock is following them, he will give us plenty of warning if they come again" he said then droped the subject and started to greed the other pokemon.

    Chimchar climbs up into a tree, "They wont get you unless they want to be cooked!" she said playfully.

    Hoothoot stayed where she was, "Hi everybody" she said waving her wing.

    Riolu calmed a little and nodded but eyed Phantom as distrustfully as everyone else, "H.. How would you know... unless... unless you where allied to them..."

  9. "Me! No, back when I was still in that pack of Houndour and Houndoom, we saved some pokemon from that wreatched place." Phantom shivered "Do you remember by any chance a small Pichu? Name was Eli? Well now he is a big Raichu! Lives on the south-side of this forest too. Lots of pokemon that we saved live out here, including. . .Meeka" Phantom said with a sigh

    Swish looked to the Buizel, "Your water-type right? I haven't had a good battle lately since all of these land types would pummel me. Say, you and me by the lake?"

  10. Amber looks at Phantom surprised then shakes her head sadly, "I hate what some people do", she says rage pulsing through her temporarily before she calms her self and nodds to Swish, "You up for it Buizel?"

    Riolu nodds, "I..I saw them... But I just thourght they where trying to make me trust again..." he says before getting up and moving closer to Amber.

    Buizel nodds to Amber and Swish, "Love to! This will be the seccond time I battle scince Amber took me in..." he says rebembering the first time, shame crossing his face.

    Amber shakes her head, "That was against a Torterra! You battled longer than any other Buizel! Anyway, Chimchar, I need you to set these logs on fire" she says indacating a pile of logs she gatherd, "I cleared away the leaves so I won't start a fire now all I need is to put these three pots on to cook the food" she said happily.

    Chimchar nodds and uses a lazy flame thrower onto the logs which blaze and crackle cheerily

    Hoothoot went over to the blaze and half closed her eyes drowsily, "I will watch the pots while you battle" she mutters as Amber puts the pots on the blaze.

  11. Phantom shrugged "That is also another reason Meeka is a bit mean. . . You don't have to worry though because you'll be leaving soon. . .Right?"

    "Woah! A Torterra! Man! Did he crush you? I can't go against land types because they always beat me! Anyway, lets go to the lake!" Swish slithered over to a large and roomy lake.

  12. Amber nodded sadly, "So now she dosn't trust" she said then she shook her head as if coming back to herself, "Yes we will probably leave after we eat" she said.

    (What time of day is it?)

    Buizel leaped into the lake and sped around, his tail spinning and just a blur. He leaped out of the water onto land again and shook himself.

    Amber went over to Buizel and crouched down, "Ok, we need to use land to our advantage. You are fast and agile, we need to use that too" she whisperd to the nodding buizel and stood up smileing at Swish, "Shall we start?" she said pleasently exited.

    Chimchar swung herself up to Ambers shoulder, "GO BUIZEL" she cried punching the air.

    Riolu ran over eager to watch the battle.

  13. "Yeah she doesn't trust. . . . Phantom sighed

    "Ill be Swishes trainer, if you will" Flo said trotting silently from the trees.

    "GO SWISH!"

    Swish slithered into the water then popped back up,letting only her head show "Ready!"

    (Its around sunset, by the time they finished battling its a bit dark)

  14. Amber nodded and steped up, "You may have the first go, It will be one on one and np substitutes from either side!" she said officialy.

    Buizel was in the water but close to the shallows.

    Riolu sat to the side watching, "Go Buizel!" he said but not loudly.

    Hoothoot watced from the fire.

    Chimchar sat on Ambers sloulder wooping with delight.

  15. Flo nodded then looked at Swish her eyes twinkling. "Swish! Use Aqua Tail then use Protect!"

    Swish waved her tail around until it glowed. She brought it smashing down onto Buizel. Slivers of light shot out as the crushing blow landed on Buizel. She quickly pulled her tail back and formed a thin but protective shield around her body.

  16. Amber yells, sees that Buizel is fine she relaxes a little, "Buizel! use quick attack to get behind that Protect then use aqua jet!" she yells.

    Buizel spins his tail and speeds through the water behind Swish. Without puse he propells himself throught the water at Swish, the water around him moving so fast it becomes solid, he slams into Swish at full force and swims away.

  17. Swish scream and was washed under water, she quickly popped back up. That was almost no effect! "Ah c'mon! I AM A WATER/DRAGON POKEMON!" she laughed.

    Flo grinned "Swish use Flamethrower then Protect!"

    Swish bellowed out a large volly of flames into Buizel's body, knocking him down. She used Protect to form a second layer of protection.

    (Just so you know she isnt really a water type but a dragon type, water doesnt really effect her!)

  18. Buizel jumped up onto dry land and smiled, the flames had not really scathed, "That all you got?" he cried out.

    Amber smiled "Come on Buizel! Use Sonic boom!" she yelled out.

    Buizel nodded and leaped into the air and slaps his tail and sending shockwaves spiraling towards Swish.

    (Can Buizel win this one?)

  19. (Yeah, but I want to win the next onnne!)

    Swish tried to dodge but the SonicBoom followed her all the way to the bottom of the lake. "Grrrallgha!" she gurled as she re-surfaced spitting out the water, she was badly hurt.

    "C'mon Swish! Use Outrage!" Flo screamed.

    Swish growled and rose out from the water, the water around her boiled around her in anger and she mpushed up out of the water into the water bringing a wave of boiling water to Buizel.

    (Go here for more moves Scroll to the bottom

  20. GG looked on with horror, "Buizel! Get out of there! Go around!" she cried out to him.

    Buizel leaped up and started to run around the edge of the lake although the wave was nearly apon him.

    GG saw what was going to happen and an Idea hit her, "Buizel! Use Aqua jet to get away!"

    Buizel balanced on his tail then launched himself away, surrounded by the water and landed a little away as the wave hit behind him sending water every where including a few drops on him.

    GG smiled, "Buizel just ignor it and rap this up with swift!" she cried.

    Buizel jumped up and ignored the water that seemed to burn his fur and swung his tail in a great arc, 1....2.....3....4 times golden stars sped out twisting and spiining as their razor edge spiraled towards Swish.

    (Lol, sure thing! Also, ur link dosn't work but I know what site you mean! lol!)

  21. "Meeeeeeeeep!" Swish screamed tumbling out of the water, knocking into a tall tree. Her limp body fell out of the tree, laying stiffly on the ground.

    Bonnie shook her head and jogged to where Swish was.

    Flo shrugged "Good job, Buizel." she nodded to them both, then turned to join Bonnie with Swish.

    "Phantom, go get Sitrus Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry, and some Gold Berry please" Bonnie said in a calm clear voice.

    "On it!" Phantom winked at Riolu then sped away into the bushes.

    "She'll be okay" Flo promised coming back to Amber, "Bonnie is a good medic!"

  22. Amber smiled, "We did it Buizel!" she cried punching the air before looking at Flo, "Thats good, you where a pretty good trainer! And you did wonderful Swish!" she called.

    Buizel did a little leap in the aire before coming back to Amber.

    Amber sat down infront of Buizel and pulled out some medicine for Buizel, "I can use some for Swish of you want" she said.

    Riolu ran to Amber and smiled, "Nice" he said quietly.

    Chimchar punched the air with Amber and whent over to Swish, "Good job!" she said before returning to Amber.

  23. "Thank you, you train you pokemon well" Flo nodded to Buizel.

    Phantom dropped the berries into Swishes mouth and she came back around.

    "Wow!" she slithered over to Buizel "Nice fight, I wasn't expecting the swift to be. . . .so hard!"

    Bonnie rolled his eyes and used Dig to tunnle back to camp.

    Meeka poked her nose through a bush. "Are they gone yet?" she growled

    "No they are not, but c'mon and stay awhile!" Phantom growled back and caught her scruff, hauling her out into the open.

    Meeka tumbled out into the last rays of the sun ad the scars from the lab. Long and thick red scars from her paws to her sides were easy to see. She looked down at herself then scooted away from the light and into the shadow of the forest where she would look normal.

  24. Amber saw Meeka and blinked sadly,"You have been through much haven't you?" she whisperd putting a hand on Riolus shoulder, not feeling any scars because of an old healer.

    Buizel nodded, not seeing Meeka, "Thanks, your rage was really good too i didn't even get hit and I felt it!" he said.

    Chimchar was lookeing away not seeing Meeka either and laughed.

    Hoothoot came to join them, "the dinner is ready"

  25. "Thanks!" Swish gasped, "Your quick on your feet" she took i a deep sniff "Mmm food!"

    Meeka growled "Its none of your business, human!" he barked, a hint of sadness seeping into her harsh voice.

    "Come,Come! Lets eat!" Bonnie jumped up patting Swish on the head before disappearing with Hoothoot.

  26. Amber nodded and got up to walk over to the fire, "If it maked you feel any beter I helped to destroy the lab.." she said quietly before serving up all the food to everyone on a plate or bowl.

    Chimchar dug right in to hers and ate hungrily.

    Hoothoot looked around to make sure everyone else had started before she tucked in.

    Riolu sat close to Amber and at a little at time.

    Buizel shovled his food in because he was hungry from the battle.

  27. Meekes ears pointed up and he hair unbristled but she didn't say anything. She just sat next to Phantom at eat at her food.

    "Hmmm, interesting" Phantom mumured through the crunching of his teeth.

    "Yum!" Bonnie and Swish kept repeating over and over.

  28. Amber nods and smiles at the Pokemon, "Hope ou all like it" she said.

    Chimchar finished off her bowl and went overto the lake to wash it.

    Hoothoot followed Chimchar an did the same.

  29. "Don't worry about it" Flo flicks two of her nine tails at Chimchar and Hoothoot, carrying them off of their feet and placing them back on their spots. "Swish can do that"

    Swish licked up the last of her food and nodded "Yeah, I did lose the battle after all and its Flo's rule that whoever loses have to clean up. She used Tail Whip and brought the bowls to her side. And then so quickly that would could barely see it she squirted streams of water into the bowls and swished her feathery tail around and they were clean.

  30. Amber nodded her thanks as she gave her bowl to Swish and started packing up, she looked up at the sky to find it was already dark, "I am sorry to ask but it is getting dark and I was wondering whether it would be alright if we waited out the night here, if that is ok with all of you?" she says politely addressing the wild pokemon.

  31. Swish nodded, quickly cleaning the plate. "I don't have a problem with it,"
    "Me either" Boonie said tossing his bowl to Swish with a flick of his paw.
    "I don't either, plus the dark could be scary from some pokemon" Phantom eyed the already shivering Riolu.
    "I don't see why not" Flo nodded to them warmly. "We usually-"
    "No! No! NO!" Meeka growled "NOO! We should have sent them away hours ago!" she spat through her teeth, curling his lip in disgust.

  32. Amber nodded to Meeka a little hurt, "We will go then.." she said softly extinguishing the fire and starting to pack up.

    Riolu gave Meeka a dark look then started to help Amber but still keeping close.

    Chimchar growled softly but going over to the other pokemon to say goodbye ignoring Meeka.

    Buizel shook his head softly and went over to join chimchar.

    Hoothoot ruffled up her feathers slightly then starts to help Amber and Riolu.

  33. "Wait wait!" Flo called "You can stay, Ill get Meeka a different place to stay" she tried to keep her tails from picking up the trainer and her pokemon, by flicking them at the ground.
    "YES! If you leave now you'll just save my friends time! You humans are all the same, nice at first then you try to force us to do something we don't want to do! The best thing I have ever done was use my powers against them!" Meeka growled tensing herself to pounce.
    Phantom and Bonnie shoved Meeka back into the darkness, Phantom quickly coming back "She'll live" he promised with a smile.
    Swish shook her head then made a small rush of water come out of her small horn, creating a small river. The plates and bowls washed up near Amber and Hoothoot.

  34. Ambers anger flared for a moment, she got control of herself, "Humans aren't all the same! Are all Poochyenas the same? If one made a mistake dose that mean you all are going to?" she said as gently as she could.

    Riolu looked away trying to keep out of it.

    Hoothoot nodded to swish and helped to pack up the dishes again.

    Chimchar nodded at Ambers statement with an air of finality.

  35. "What about that Riolu?!" Mekka growled from the darkness "I bet he whishes he could have done something to those . . . humans! How would you feel, huh? And yes all Poochyenas are the same! We are pack pokemon with the same mind!"
    Phantom nodded to Amber "Its true, most dog or puppy or wolf pokemon are the same. we share the exact same mind, a pity really. We don't get our own mind until we evolve. Thats why she wants to be a Mightyena and I want to be a Houndoom!"

  36. Amber nodded intregued at the statement but (what can only be described as) bristled when Meeka dragged Riolu into it, "Please leave Riolu out of this" she said cooly.

    Riolu lookes pointedly away, "All I want is to never see them again, If we find they have more pokemon we will rescue them but if not..." he whispers not liking this at all.

    Chimchar shifted uncomfortably.

    Hoothoot looked down from the tree she was now in with bright amber eyes and hooted.

    Buizel looked away, knowing Riolus statement was about him, he knew this was a sensitive subjet for everyone.

  37. Phantom shrugged "Bonnie took her underground, she can't here you right now" he smiled. "C'mon! Flo was going to say we usually sleep in the trees, but sometimes we sleep on the ground. Me and Swish will show you"
    Swish nodded "Yeah!" he fluttered her wings that were on the sides of her head. "C'mon! Race ya!" she bounced up almost flying away.
